Wednesday, September 9, 2015

"Do You Want To Marry Me"? and It's Raining Cockroaches!!!

Yesterday we couldn't find a single lan house (internet cafe)  open because yesterday was Brazil's Independence Day (September 7th!) so we had to wait until today when everything finally opened.
In Brazil, alllll of the students in all of the schools practice for the parade on Sept. 7th. We went and watched the beginning. Afterwards we went to Mariano's for an afternoon barbecue after the soccer players played soccer. :)

This week we've been a little worried about Cleia because it's been a week and a half now that she went to Brasília to be with her brother in the hospital who has been really sick...we've been praying that her brother can get better so she can come back and get back to Church. Yesterday we visited Rayanne (her daughter) and read 3 Nephi 11 with her, she liked it a ton and even said the closing prayer. I really feel that the gospel has helped her gain a greater self-confidence, it's awesome. I love how the gospel changes people!!

Paula was confirmed yesterday, great experience as she was blessed with some really cool blessings that I know are only from the Lord as they are perfect for her. <3 A great fast and testimony meeting. Paula bore her testimony, so eloquent!! She is truly a leader and will help so many people. Denis bore his testimony too. He's also helping lots of people. He is truly a rock!!

We visited Susiclei and Maxwell this week (she was a street contact and came to church 2 Sundays ago), Susi really wants to get married as we had already talked with her about everything... and when we told Max he was all for it too. I think the cutest moment ever was sitting in their living room and Max turned to Susi and said "Quer casar comigo?" (Do you want to marry me?) and she waited a little and then said "Ah, quero" (I want to.. but it was in an air of 'ah yeah, why not of course' and super hilarious) and all we could do was smile. :) We're getting their wedding papers in, they'll be married next month.

CINEFAMÍLIA is this Saturday night!!!!! We've been planning this activity for a couple of weeks now, inviting the whole city to come... we're going to show Meet the Mormons in the center of town here in Cristalina, it's going to be super special we're excited and praying that everything works out. Please pray that it works out!! It started the HEAVY rain yesterday so we're praaaaying that it will be awesome.

Story of the week:
We were sitting with Denis reading the Book of Mormon together in 1 Nephi 7, and Sister Costancio was in the middle of reading the first verse when this huge brown leaf fell from the roof onto my hand. It surprised me and I gasped a little bit and in a millisecond threw my hand to the side so it fell on the ground.
And as I looked to the grown to see what kind of leaf this was (it was the weirdest thing) I quickly recognized it as a huge ugly cockroach. And in the middle of Sister Costancio reading I could barely get out "Ummm so a cockroach just fell from the sky onto me and now it's on the ground" Denis squished it with his sandal, grabbed it by the antennae and threw it outside.
And then I was a little speechless and could just look at Sister Costancio as she said "Umm..... well now the Spirit is completely gone" and all I could do was laugh.
These are the experiences that take my breath away. Literally. I'm not able to breathe through these things. o.O #prayforme ;) #ilovethemission #cockroachesfallingfromthesky

Tonight we're headed to Brasília to hear Elder Cláudio Costa of the First Quorum of the Seventy tomorrow, should be good. First general authority that i've seen in the mission. :) I'm excited. And we're going to sleep in Bandeirante tomorrow and I get to see Sister Fidelis, so exciteddddd!!!!

Thank you for your prayers and support. Love you all!! Amo todos vocês muito <3
All is well in Zion. 💜

Sister (Braz)Hill

Coming in from a huge rainstorm
Statue in the middle of town

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