Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Happy July 4th - Crystals Everywhere - Pictures and Pictures!!

Elder Nordfelt and I celebrated July 4th by singing the National Anthem while Elder Todt waved E. Nordfelts American flag tie... it was quite a sight. Wish I could send video :)
And I played the guitar and we sang the 2 hymns from the English hymnbook.
We ate almoço at a members house... Brazilian barbecue is the greatest thing alive. #churrasco #salgado As I was sitting eating this wonderful salty meat that is the most wonderful thing everrrr, I realized that Irmão Leão lives on the army base. And I realized that on July 4th I was eating brazilian barbecue on a Brazilian military base. #outofallthedays It was quite ironic for me. :)

Cristalina lives up to its name, there are crystals everywhere here. We went to the World Crystal shop, its pretty amazing. I love picking them up off the ground :)

This weeks English class, only Rodrigo (15) came. After the class I talked with him a little about the Plan of Salvation and marked to visit his family on Saturday. We went there on Saturday before mutual... and his mom is SUPER Catholic, it scared me a little. But the Lord is so good, and the Spirit truly teaches the lessons that it just amazes me... she agreed with every part of the Plan. Her husband Rosival is super good, he said that he has always wondered where he will go after this life and that he has always wondered if he really does have a purpose here.

Ive been learning a lot about the authority we have as missionaries. That we have truly been called of God to preach as literal representatives of Jesus Christ. Cristalina is a SUPER Catholic area... and many people hate us here. The Elders especially, and us as Sisters too. On Sunday we were walking to church, and a man was in the street and asked us if we are evangelicals. ´´no, we are Christians.´´ And he said, ´ah, the Mormons. Ive studied much about your religion, how the center is in Salt Lake City... I suggest you search for the true church.´´
We dont know if he heard, but Sister Costancio said ´Thanks, we invite you to do the same.`´ #arrochecompanheira

Im loving this area... still adjusting, but I love our little group :) Yesterday we had even less people in church than last week, only 4 sisters in the Relief Society... we gave a training about visiting teaching, we are planning to help the sisters to really visit their sisters and help the RS grow. <3

Beijos from Cristalina, Goiás :D

Amo todos vocês
Sister Hill

Cristalina <3 the kids here are super hipster... everybody here flies kites and does cool tricks on their bikes. #wishiwasthiscool

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