Last Sunday I gave a training to 6 wonderful sisters of our little group who have been chosen to start the real visiting teaching here. With about 20 sisters, these 6 have been designated to visit all of them.
I gave the training and was really praying that it would help them to really feel the importance of doing their visits and taking care of our tiny Relief Society here...
and they're doing them independently, I am sooooo proud of them and truly feel of the joy that I know Heavenly Father feels to know that they have taken the calling of Visiting Teacher so seriously <3
The other day I went with Aline and Adriana to visit 2 different sisters who live a far distance away, and nobody having a car we went on foot... as we were sliding down little dirt hills and crossing along the outside of a tiny lake and me seeing these amazing young sisters doing this because they KNOW that the Lord expects this of them, it was such a humbling experience for me to see this in them. I know that they are true pioneers here in Cristalina.
Needless to say.. I have a testimony of visiting teaching!! Do we make the sacrifices necessary that the Lord expects of us?
After I have seen the sacrifices that these young sisters are willing to make here... using their only day off of work to go and visit a sister who lives far away on a farm, leaving their small daughter at the house of a friend to go do visits...
no sacrifice is too great for the Lord.
I'm still leading the hymns in sacrament meeting, and I've fiiiiinally gotten the hang of the CD player. Yes, I've finally learned that you have to turn the volume allllll the way up or you won't hear it over the congregation singing haha. And yes, there is a super awkward pause in between every verse. But it is such a great experience
This is a super short email and not a lot of details about the week...but some highlights, Iva, João Vitor and her nephew Italo will be baptized this Saturday, I am super super excited because they were truly prepared by the Lord, they have been to Church every Sunday for 3 weeks now, and they come by themselves...we don't have to go pick them up.
The people who have truly been prepared by the Lord...will make any sacrifice to keep His commandments and follow His plan!!
Gotta run, we're having a surprise party for a sister in the ward (and she's our next-door neighbor too)...
buuuuut I'm pretty sure this is the last email I'll be sending from Cristalina # transfernextMonday
But I'll be praying a lot this week and maybe the Lord will let me stay here one more change... lots and lots of prayers. :)
Love you all, have a fantastic week
Sister Hill
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