Only thing was... he pretty much disappeared off the face of the earth.
2 times Sister Costancio thought she saw him in the road, and when we ran after 'him' and got there he disappeared.
For 3 weeks we showed up at his house almost every other day asking for him, and his mom (his family doesn't really want anything to do with the church) always said that he was never home.
I doubted that Denis even existed... but Sister Costancio told me that he is absolutely elect, so ready to become part of the Church.
This week Sister decided she was going to write him a letter and drop it off at his house. She wrote the letter for him, telling him that he needed to come back to Church because it would be worth it... we put in some pass-along cards with a little tiny FSY pamphlet, and gave it to his mom to give to him.
I had completely forgotten that we had dropped off the letter, until as we were ready to leave home Sunday morning, our district leader calls us and while Sister Costancio is on the phone she gets super duper duper happy and starts yelling out of excitement, and she has this HUGE smile on her face... so I analyzed from the situation that an investigator had just gotten to the chapel, but I had no idea who it could be. Until she hung up and said DENIS!!!! And then I realized that yes, he does exist! :)
We got to the chapel and he was there, waiting for sacrament meeting to start. Right as it was about to begin he said 'Irmãs, I gotta be baptized soon.' :) We taught him about the Word of Wisdom again last night and he will be baptized July 25th.
This week broke my record for most lessons taught in a week :) We really focused on member involvement this week, it was super good.
I love mutual with the youth here, this week we played charades with scripture stories. 2 of our investigators, João Pedro and Maria... they're twins! 14 years old :) they went to mutual and liked it!! Maria teaches seminary for the Catholic church, so they were a little confused about the Book of Mormon stories because they didn't know any of them... but it was a great teaching experience as we had the opportunity to explain the Book of Mormon better to her <3 they're wonderful. We don't know why they didn't come to church yesterday, we need to go there and see what happened since they said they were for sure going to go.
This week was much warmer than last week... I like the sun :) I'd be fine if winter never came back around... a 1-week winter was cold enough for me o.O
And we're still working on strengthening the Relief Society. This Sunday we only had 4 sisters in RS again... I taught the class about Marriage & Family from Ezra Taft Benson #trunky #kkk #jk #;) It's a little weird teaching to a small crowd, but it's great and I love it still :) We're setting a goal to read the Book of Mormon together as a RS, we're going to start with 3 chapters per week :) #babysteps
We're also starting to say the Relief Society Purpose together at the beginning of every class... # ididntevenknowtheRShadapurpose liketheYW #itsfantastic The Spirit is fantastic :)
Agora estou muito mais confortável escrevendo em português :) Esta transferência está passando muito rápido, não gosto. Mas faz parte de vida :) Sou muito grata por todas as coisas que eu estou aprendendo aqui na missão, eu acho que uma das maiores coisas que eu já tenho aprendido é o valor da minha família, e da Restauração do evangelho de Jesus Cristo. Eu sei que nada acontece por acaso, que todos nós estamos aqui na Terra neste tempo por algum motivo. O Senhor tem um plano por nós! Ele acredita em nosso sucesso. Sei que Ele quer que sejamos felizes.
Nunca desista, nunca desista, nunca desista!
Compartilhe seu testemunho com alguém que precisa esta semana :)
Amo todos vocês! Tenha uma ótima semana!
Oh yeah, and this week marked 10 months in the mission. #weird #timepassesbywaytoofastouthere
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